Sushi Bowls: Easy Alternatives for College Cooking

Raise your hand if you love sushi 🙋
Raise your hand if you're also a broke college student who can't afford sushi 🙋
It's actually much easier to make, even in a dorm room, than you would expect!

Sushi Bowls are an easy alternative to rolling sushi, which is a little bit more complicated. Unless you have the sushi bazooka! I invested in one and it's actually pretty awesome. You can find the sushi bazooka here.

I recently bought a microwave rice cooker from Amazon and it is a lifesaver, I would recommend it to anyone, but it's especially convenient if you live in a dorm and don't have much space or ways to cook things. Added bonus: it's less than $15! You can find it here.
Contrary to popular belief everyone does get sick of mac and cheese and Ramen! 😂

Personally I prefer California rolls but I don't like cucumber so I substitute cucumber for cream cheese. That's one of the best parts of this recipe, you can add or substitute whatever ingredients you want! If you are planning on using fish make sure you are using sashimi/sushi grade fish or you risk serious illness. This is why I use imitation crab meat.

Sushi Bowls:

1 bag Nishiki Sushi Rice
Soy Sauce
1 package Imitation Crab Meat
2 Avocados
1 package Cream Cheese

Follow the instructions on your rice and the microwave rice cooker to cook the rice perfectly. Cut up avocados, cream cheese, and imitation crab meat into small cubes. When rice is finished cooking, chill in the fridge for approximately 15 minutes. Add rice to a bowl and cover with cream cheese, crab meat, and avocado cubes. Add soy sauce if you want, you can also add spicy sauce. Enjoy!

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